i first began this blog about seven months ago, a day or so after i moved out to marfa.
i had high hopes and intentions about writing on my experiences, but soon realized that - like so many other times in my life when i was trying to write about what was happening to me coincidently and as it happened - instead of hyperanalyzing what was happening to me in an immediate sense, i should try to experience it in reality, without the (often stifling) processes of detachment, mental recording, and performativity which occur when i am intending to present it to some unknown virtual audience.
so i began to write a few entries, but put off posting them. and even when i had completed something, i generally felt very insecure about thrusting it into a public sphere - especially when it was regarding marfa, which is such a small and incestuous community. i simply feared some sort of judgement or alienation, as ridiculous as it sounds.
but now i don't care. i have established myself, in some sense, and couldn't give a fuck what is said to or about me. and ultimately, i realize in retrospect that in blogging about those experiences at the time would have revealed a shameful bit of naivete. hence the private journaling rather than public musings. (woo hah!)
for years, i have kept a blog on and off. (and i certainly feel this shame and read this naivete when i look back weeks, months, years in my *GASP* livejournal). i gave up for... many reasons.
but fuck it. here i am again. i need a place for my thoughts, some works. fragments, sentences, photos, what have you. the act, the gesture of making my thoughts and observances public (in a sense) legitimizes these thought processes for myself.
today i began working (if you can call it that) for -------- (ANONYMOUSE CONTEMPORARY ART INSTITUTION) on their new blog.
i never wanted to become one of those people. i see them attached to their laptops, detached from life in a sense, plugged into the virtual space.
but it is all virtual space, all hyperreality at this point.
i don't know what this blog will be, or what it will signify.
i think it may verge along the lines of the "oversharing" variety.
but fuck it.
i come from the livejournal generation.
i hope you find it interesting.