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Thursday, November 13, 2008


I stood in front of my window

looking out across the grey sky as it rained

my flannel shirt still damp from walking through the rain

or perhaps simply dank from the fact that

i've been wearing it for the past three days.

i stood looking out from the third floor

slowly eating chili and drinking milk from a quart

with a straw that I had taped to the carton

so that it wouldn't drop into the milk

so i wouldn't have to fish it out with my fingers.

and i just thought



this is the most beautiful moment of the month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Post-birthday, pre-party batch of loneliness, fried up in some pan that ought to've been retired a long time back. Closest to a beautiful came when I'd sat with my dog, in the cold, in fresh-cut grass near morning. But whatever transcendent insight that should've brought will have to come a little later.